Post Injury Journey

It's been 2 months since I was released from the hospital and sent to finish my recovery at home.  I really had no idea what to expect or even how long I would be living with my parents.  The first week was a struggle because I was still having trouble getting around and relied very heavily on help with nearly everything.  Two weeks after I moved in to my parents house I had a very good day, with nearly no pain.  And the pain I did note was merely pressure on my disc.  I was so excited that I was feeling better, but still was being cautious with everything I did.  I was glad when I finally came off of the pain killers and the muscle relaxers and was able to move back to my own house again.

The first few days that I was back home I felt displaced, like a stranger in my home.  That's probably a normal reaction after being away for 5 weeks.  It took about a week for home to feel like home again.

My doctor continued to be pleased with my progress and still had me on some restrictions concerning activity and exercise.  Even after I came home, anything could wear me out quickly.  Making a trip to the grocery store, making dinner, driving to and from work.  It has taken weeks to regain most of my stamina, and even know, it's something I'm still struggling with.  Especially since part of my full time job is to oversee 6 properties and that means driving around Dallas.

I did have my final check up with my neurosurgeon last week and he cleared me to start exercising and to basically get back to normal life.  Which is definitely what I have been aiming for, but still afraid to do.  I'll be honest, I'm slightly paranoid about aggravating the injury again.  I'm focusing on strengthening my core with some specific exercises while I look into a low impact program to help continue my weight loss journey.
