Reviving Chivalry: T's Story

from a male perspective...

I had a really great example of how to treat a woman, my parents have been married for 40 plus years and my dad still gets the door for my mom.  I learned a lot about how to be respectful of a woman on a date and I'm glad of those lessons.

I'm the kind of guy that will bring flowers to a girl on a first day.  Just as a way of saying that I appreciate the opportunity to go out with her.  Yes, some girls have misread that gesture in the past, but I still think it's a good way to start things off.  I guess a lot of men don't do that anymore but I think it's a good thing.  Really, if girls held guys to a higher standard, then I think guys would step up and do things better.

I do think it's important for a guy to initiate the dates, even if a couple has been dating a while.  There's just something cool about still asking her out on a Friday night and planning things.  Not every date has to be overly expensive, but even on a budget, you can have a good time and enjoy each others' company. 
