The Art of Le Languge Du Corps Part 2

Have you ever been taken by a salesman?  It was like they knew exactly how to sell you whatever product they had to offer.  Well, they did.  Now, of course, some people are just naturally gifted at the art of persuasion, but specific techniques can be learned by the mere mortal.  These signals can be used for nearly any situation, too. 

1. Pupil Dilation- As I mentioned in Part 1, our pupils dilate for a couple of reasons, either our eyes are adjusting the the lack of light in a room, or we're looking at something we like.  Yes, looking at an attractive person makes your pupils dilate, but so does looking at an item you are thinking about purchasing. 

2.  Arm Crossing- Have you ever noticed that when you're speaking to someone and they disagree with you, they're arms are usually crossed when you make a statement they don't like?  Arm crossing is a good way to read that you've lost a person's interest.  For a salesman, this means it's time to try a new tactic when selling their goods. 

3.  Head Tilt-  This is a great way to tell if someone is actually paying attention.  We will naturally tilt our head towards someone who is speaking so we can hear them better.  I've personally noted this particular gesture when I'm in conversation with another.  It lets me know that they are not only hearing me, but listening and absorbing.

So now maybe you're wondering what you can do to build up a subconsios trust with someone so you can sell your product.  This may seem really silly, but it's true...Mirroring.  I said in Part 1 that we tend to mirror someone we're interested in, on the flip side, though, that triggers a spot in their head that appeals to the person (it may not make them fall in love with you) and they'll like you without realizing why.  It kind of goes along with how we are usually attracted to someone with similar facial features, we are all just that egotistical. 

Here's a video with some tips for using body language.   Stay tuned for The Art of Le Language Du Corps Part 3.  I'll be discussing Lie Detection. 

If you have any Fashion, Beauty, or Etiquette questions send me an email at
