Sparkly's Guide To Online Dating: Choosing The Right Site

So I've written more than a few posts about dating, but I realized that I rarely touch on something that is very prominent in our society- online dating.  It's easy to still be embarrassed to admit that you're going to the web to find a mate in almost the same way you shop for shoes (or clothes, or movie tickets, etc).  While, yes, online dating is acceptable, people can sometimes still be surprised when they find out their friends have an online profile.  So, get the fear of online dating out of your head.  It's not bad!  Ladies, especially if you have guy friends who 1)You're not interested in dating or 2)Aren't interested in dating you.  Yes, I am a traditionalist and think that men should fulfill the role of pursing women, but when the men in our lives aren't doing that, online dating is a great way to meet other potential mates.

Picking the right dating site is important because it really does dictate the kind of people you're going to meet.  How do I know?  I've used multiple dating sites and will be totally honest- the site that I actually pay for is the one that has gotten me better matches who fit what I'm looking for.  I've gone the route of the free dating sites, however that led to some sketchy guys who weren't in the same life stage as me or what I was wanting.

I think that the websites that have questionnaires and personality quizzes are really great because they have a specific formula that they use to match people.  Is it perfect?  No.  Do you get quality people with whom you have similar foundational interests?  Yes.  Being picky when dating online is completely fine, as if picking your dating site.

So what are you looking for right now?  If you're looking to just expand your guy friend base and get to know some people then try out or  But if you're looking for a real relationship then try out eHarmony, Zoosk, or JDate (for Jewish singles).  Keep an open mind and come back soon for the next part of my online dating series!

*I am not endorsed by any of the dating sites mentioned on this blog*
