Sparkly's Guide To Online Dating: Communicating

Welcome to part three of my series about online dating!  If you already have a profile built then keep reading!  If  you missed the previous posts, check out Part One and Part Two, first! The way communication is set up on dating sites varies so much!  Some sites have specific questions you have to answer back and forth before you're actually allowed to email in the dating site email center.  Other sites allow you to email immediately.  It all really depends on the site that you chose for yourself.

If you're on a site that has a more guided communication process (eHarmony, for instance), then following their guild lines is pretty simple.  You can either wait to hear from one of your matches or you can begin the communication.  Personally, I send out a "smile" to the guys who's profiles I liked and who I find attractive.  Now the next few sentences need to be said and I hope none of you reading this are really offended.  **Just because you find someone attractive doesn't mean they will find you attractive.  This doesn't mean you aren't attractive- it just means you aren't their physical type.  Just like you ladies aren't attracted to every single guy, every single guy won't be attracted to you.**  I say all of that because I get tired of hearing women complain about how men are shallow but go around and say stuff like "Oh, him?  Yeah I'm just not attracted to him."  Get over it.  We all like different kinds of people so just deal with the fact that not every guy is going to like you.

Okay, so basically, don't get really offended if a guy doesn't keep communicating with you or respond to a smile (or wink, or wave, or whatever flirting thing the site has available).  The guys that are attracted to you and like what you've said on your profile will respond with their own communication to you.

What if he stops communicating after you've started emailing?  Let it go.  Don't keep emailing him over and over about your day or a party you went to.  There could be plenty of reasons you stopped hearing from him.  Maybe he met someone else and is interested, but isn't checking his account regularly.  Maybe he's busy with work.  Maybe he's married.  Whatever the reason, it's best to not push communication.

When should you let him call you?  I'll leave this to your discretion because it's totally different for not only me and you, but anyone you're communicating with.  Use your sixth sense and get a feel for the guy before giving him your personal contact information.  If he seems genuinely interested in getting to know you and you feel comfortable with a phone call- then go ahead!  But if you sense something is amiss, you can keep emailing with him, or just stop all communication.  I'll be hitting on some safe practices for online dating in my next post!  Stay tuned!
