The 21 Day Challenge

So I didn't really make any New Years resolutions, I just really wanted to stay on track with exercise and eating healthier- basically continuing the new lifestyle that I started last year.  Not that 2014 didn't have it's share of challenges along the way.  I will admit that I had an injury from a car accident, in the fall, that I let side line me for longer than I wanted to admit.  The truth is that I'm still working on loosening up sore muscles in my left leg, but I did finally find a workout program that will be less pressure on my body but still help me through my weight loss journey.

Okay, so the 21 Day Challenge...

First of all I have to admit where I first heard of this... CMT's "Making The Team".  Yep, I was pretty sick over the new year and ended up marathoning the show that gives you a behind the scenes look into the audition process for the Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders.  After seeing My Fit Foods featured on the show, I did a little research on it and decided to give it a go.

My consultation wasn't at all uncomfortable, my nutritionist was very outgoing and explained the program to me so well that I found all of my questions being answered before I even needed to ask them.  She explained that over the next 21 days my food would be picked out for me- snacks, lunch and dinner (I get to keep having Shakeology for breakfast because I'm addicted and I love Love LOVE it).  I don't have to even pick out the meals myself- I just have to let her know if I try one and don't like it.  During the consultation, she also asked me about my activity level, exercise program, and if there were specific foods that I don't eat. 

30 minutes after I walked in to My Fit Foods, I was walking out with a cooler bag full of food for the next 3 days.  The food is all pre-packaged at a kitchen on Lemmon Avenue and then delivered to each location in the Dallas area.  Pretty cool!  I'll be picking up my meals twice a week because everything is made fresh and who would want to eat spoiled food. 

So I've only been doing this for less than 24 hours at this point so I'll obviously have to do some follow ups during the 21 days.  I did read a less than flattering review of the My Fit Foods meals, however, I've enjoyed them so far.  I could write a whole blog about the Chicken Salad.  It was delicious! 

As for my workout routine, I recently started PiYo (I mean, I literally started that on Christmas Eve) and I really like it so far.  I only did about 4 days worth and then got sick.  But last night I got back on the exercise wagon.  Partially because I want to maximize my 21 Day Challenge results by getting in at least 4 workouts a week.  Piyo is great because it has a lot of stretching, makes me sweat, and each workout is really only 25-30 minutes.  I'm usually working so hard that the time flies by quickly. 

All righty, until next week!
